About The Book

On average, one out of three new businesses fail in the first year. This book is here to help you grow a successful business and to enjoy every minute of it. In this book, Nicole Bayliss guides you to create your Spiritual Business Plan and shares with you the essential elements, including how to:
· Embrace true success
· Work with the power of the Universal Laws
· Become aware of what’s holding you back
· Heal yourself of self-doubt and low self-worth
· Heal your relationship with money and abundance
· Embrace the fundamentals of soulful marketing
· Structure your ideal working day

From Clearing the Blocks to True Success to Soulful Marketing…
True Success
Chapter 1
The Power of Commitment
Chapter 2
The Magic of Getting There
Chapter 3
Transform Your Relationship with Yourself
Chapter 4
Transform Your Relationship with Money
Chapter 5
Transform Your Relationship with Life
Chapter 6
Soulfully Successful Marketing
Chapter 7
Soulfully Successful Marketing
Chapter 7
Your Ideal Work Day
Chapter 8
Plus Affirmations and a Guided Meditation
Hello! I’m so glad this book has found you. So you’re thinking of starting your own business, or perhaps you already have. You may even be a few weeks, months or years into it. Did you know that on average one in three small businesses fail in their first year? I do not want that for you. The Universe does not want that for you!
This book is here to help you grow a successful business and to enjoy every minute of it. My aim is to teach you some interesting spiritual concepts that will transform you and the way you perceive your business and your life. I will be sharing with you some key Universal Laws that must be abided by if you wish to travel the path of true success.
When you start the journey of working for yourself, it can be exhilarating and terrifying all at once. I know because I’ve been there. I had a lot of old ideas and beliefs to let go of, if I was to be true to myself and follow my deep desire to work for myself on my own terms. I want to share with you all that I have learned while travelling two parallel paths – the spiritual path and the path to creating a successful business.
In our modern world, spirituality and business have been perceived as two very separate things; they may even be seen as opposing each other. This isn’t true! We are here to live our best lives, and a part of that will be work, purpose and money. When we embrace the spiritual and bring it into the practical, miracles happen. We are all spiritual beings having a human experience, and we are here to bring our spiritual soul self into every aspect of our lives.
The world is changing. Many people are becoming disenchanted with working for large organisations and the old paradigm Age of Productivity “work ethic” is leaving them tired, stressed and unfulfilled. Many of us are wanting “something more” – more meaning, more day-to-day fulfilment and more love for our work.
I predict that the world will change through individuals emancipating themselves from the modern “global slavery system” whereby we feel trapped by work and financial circumstances. It’s already happening everywhere; small businesses and organic networks popping up like daisies, and you can be a part of that wonderful change in this Age of Creativity.
In this book I will be sharing with you metaphysical truths and Universal laws, as well as stories and anecdotes that help illustrate an idea or a concept – some are from my own story and some are my clients’ stories on their journey to success.
I’ll also be giving you a Spiritual Business Plan, by providing journaling exercises, affirmations and prayers at the end of each chapter. You can download a free Spiritual Business Plan journal from my website nicolebayliss.com.au to accompany this book.
Be prepared that this book will change you at a foundational level – your beliefs, your understanding of how the Universe works and your relationship with the world “out there”. It will release old paradigm thinking and conditioning that has prevented you from knowing how powerful you are and how successful, fulfilled and abundant you can be.
So if you are ready to expand your mind and your business, let us take this journey together. I’ll be right there beside you every step of the way!
Love and Light,
Nicole x
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Message from Nicole

Going into your own business requires the ability to transform and grow. Soulful & Successful Business is here to help you along your journey to true success.
As further support, I am offering free monthly events on my private Facebook Group Path of Light and the meditation app Inight Timer. These events deepen into the concepts within Soulful & Successful Business while offering healing for entrepreneurs. You will also have the chance to have your questions answered personally with a live Q&A.
But first, please treat yourself to this book Soulful & Successful Business. You and your business are worth it!
Love and Light,
Nicole x
Nicole is a trained Forensic Energy Healer, Transpersonal Counsellor and Life Path Guide who is based in Sydney, Australia. Nicole works with people all over the world, facilitating personal transformation. She has written four books, A Shift to Bliss, 5 Steps to Finding Love, Soul Magic and Soulful & Successful Business. Nicole offers free meditations on the app Insight Timer and a range of online courses on her website.
Download your Spiritual Business Plan
Download the companion business plan for use as you read the book and complete the exercises at the end of each chapter.