
Embracing the Energy of 2025

05 January 2025

2025 promises to be a year of change, a time of completion and letting go of a 9 year cycle which began in 2016. You may want to ask yourself “what are the themes I’ve been dealing with since 2016? Are they still playing out?”  In a number 9 year, whatever has not been dealt with during the past 9 year cycle will make itself known in no uncertain terms so that we deal with it once and for all.

Childhood wounds, unhappy memories and old patterns that are hindering our growth and evolution may become magnified so that they can be healed. 2025 is a good year to go deep within and clear whatever is in the way of a brand new beginning in 2026. 

In a number 9 year, expect endings, but stay aware that every ending is a new beginning. And endings can be positive – the end of an old habit, belief or pattern that is holding us back or the end of a difficult period. 

So what is Number 9 here to teach us? Number 9 is about altruism, and transcending the ego. It’s about allowing other people to be as they are, and accepting the world as it is. It’s about allowing and non-resistance. Number 9 encourages us to find inner balance and outer balance. Balancing the masculine (doing) and the feminine (being), learning how to be calm and steady and able to hold space for others. We can only do this by working on our own triggers and knee jerk reactions. It’s learning how not to take attacks and criticism personally, but finding inner strength and becoming a calm, peaceful and steady influence. Number 9 is the Master number, so this could be the year that you gain a sense of self mastery if you’re willing to work on it.

In terms of Chinese astrology, we will be moving into the Year of the Wood Snake … on January 29th 2025, we leave behind the 2024 year of the Dragon and we begin the Year of the Wood Snake. Just as a snake sheds its skin to reveal a new skin, 2025 promises to be a year of letting go of the old, so as to bring in the new. While the snake may hold demonic symbolism for some, its true symbolism is that of transformation and agility. The element of wood stands for organic growth and flexibility. Do not fight the What Is, but surrender and go with it. Don’t cling to anything.

2025 is a good year to tie up loose ends, to process and complete anything that is incomplete. Be willing to let go of anything no longer needed, outdated or defunct. If you are choosing the conscious path, it is inevitable that you will continue to change, and what may have once been important to you may not be as important anymore. What may have interested you may not interest you anymore. Trust in your feelings when it comes to what you need to let go of. If you feel the urge to let it go, then do it. If you feel the urge to hold on, then hold on.

2025 will be a year of significant transformation for the world, with systems changing at the foundational level – from governments and how they do things, structural changes in organisations and laws.

Humanity is going through a major shift in consciousness, and 2025 is ALL about upgrading our consciousness, and ascending to higher levels of self mastery. World circumstances are pushing us to turn to the Light and to deepen our spiritual connection. When we do this, we come into our true power, because we become a part of the Supreme Intelligence.

There is going to be further conflict in the world, and there may be internal conflict within ourselves as our egos and our wounded selves fight for survival. Please remember, that no matter what is happening “out there”, the most important thing we must resolve is the conflict within. Finding our true selves through meditation, spiritual teachings, books and other forms of personal development. Make your inner transformation the highest priority in 2025, because when you become an energy field of love and peace, your energy will affect everything around you and will literally change your reality. 

I also recommend regular self inquiry. If you’re feeling emotionally triggered or have a sense of inner conflict, explore it. 

As the world changes, there may be a sense of grief and loss – this may be personal, or it may be bigger than that. It’s in the collective. As we ascend, we become more sensitive to energy and tend to feel and sense the energy of others. Grief is a part of the healing process.

In 2025 many of us will go through relationship challenges – whether it be an intimate relationship, a family relationship, a work relationship or some or all of these, because we are all here to learn about love – what love is and what love is not. The Universal Law of Love deems that all things heal and are put right through love, but  many of us are confused as to what love is – we confuse it with control, neediness, guilt, rescuing, caretaking and many other things. I’m still on that journey, releasing these impostors to love. So if you are having any relationship problems, please see this as a good thing, not as a bad thing. That person is in your life for your transformation. In relationships, become aware of your own defensiveness and be willing to allow another person to express themselves and seek to understand them. Give up the need to fix or rescue. Holding space is the key.

When it comes to finding romantic love, a lot of people ask me why, in this day and age of dating apps, does it seem harder than ever to find the right mate and remain happy? My answer is this. The energy has changed. We are all being required to grow and transform like never before – unlike our forebears for whom it was a lot simpler. Humanity is more awakened and transforming, and so our relationship needs have changed and continue to change. Marriages and long term relationships are less likely to last a whole lifetime now because we are changing as individuals more quickly. If you’re looking for love in 2025, know it’s a vibrational journey, not a numbers journey. Deepen into greater self love and you will change your vibration and draw to you a greater and deeper love. But also know that no matter who you’re likely to be with, challenges are highly likely in that relationship because we’re being required to keep changing and growing, and we do this most rapidly through challenges. That’s the reality of the energy we are in and will continue to be in for transformational purposes. Eckhart Tolle said “Your partner isn’t here to make you happy; they’re here to make you conscious”.

In 2025, continue to do the work when it comes to self love. Learning to give ourselves the love we need and the care we need is going to become more and more essential. This may seem in conflict with what I said earlier about Number 9 being about altruism, which is selflessness. It’s a paradox though, because you can only ever love someone else as much as you love yourself, and you’ll only ever be loved as much as you love yourself. If you’re not getting the love you want from someone, stop trying to earn their love, stop hoping and praying that they will change, and instead work on your own self love. The more we love ourselves, the more altruistic we are able to be. The Universal Law of Correspondence deems that as within, so without.

When it comes to all things financial, you are far more likely to do well financially in 2025 if you go with your intuition and your feelings, and also if you do the inner work needed for financial abundance. Think in terms of “enough” and not “more, more, more”. The ego always wants more. The True self thinks in terms of “enough”. The way to achieve anything on this new earth is through the intuitive self, and the best way to greater intuition is regular meditation. If you’re struggling financially, I would recommend my book The Money Matrix or my Insight Timer course Perfect Prosperity to examine and heal your relationship with money and abundance in general. Be conscious about the financial choices you’re making, learn to respect money and treat it with care, and whatever you do, do it with love. Because love heals everything, including your finances. And as much as you can, follow your heart. When you do your work with love, abundance will follow. Love and inspiration are a potent mix when it comes to being abundant.

The first 6 months of 2025 are going to be a bit sluggish. So if you’re working on a new venture, working on manifesting and wanting to move forward, accept it may be a bit slow. And the reason for this is to do with what I mentioned earlier. We’re all having a big spiritual shift in this number 9 year. These quieter, slower periods are encouraging us to go within more, and do less. The best way to embrace this energy is regular meditation so as to receive the energetic downloads. 

Embrace the yin for the first 6 months of 2025. Make plans and of course take action towards what you want, but let go of pushing or forcing anything. The Universal Law of Divine Timing deems that the Universe has its own timing built into everything; don’t let your ego get involved with timing. And the Law of Rhythm deems that there are going to be times when the tide comes in and times when the tide goes out. The first 6 months of this year will be a “tide going out” phase. A yin time. However the tide will come back in at mid year. 

With all your hopes, goals and dreams, think long term and not short term. Think Big Picture. Stay true to yourself and your core values on your way to achieving what you want. That’s the Universal Law of Integrity, which is highly important in this Number 9 year. The inner work must be done first, before the outer manifestation is possible.

Learning to trust in the Universe is another theme I see coming up in 2025. Our faith may be tested this year. If something happens or doesn’t happen that brings up fear, anxiety or a feeling of being out of control, surrender and ask for the divinely right outcome. This doesn’t mean you’re not going to feel anxious, but hold the intention of having faith and trust. Anything that brings up fear in us is a healing opportunity. We have to feel and acknowledge fear to heal it. It is a necessary part of our transformational journey. There is so much we don’t have control over – the war in the middle east, the war in the Ukraine, famine, global warming, the suffering of so many people and animals, the world political and financial situation. 

Mother Theresa said “Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love”. Do what you can and what you feel is right and good and true, without attachment to the outcome. The transformation that is happening in the world must happen through each individual awakening and aligning to their True Self; it’s not going to happen directly through old paradigm channels such as a government, a religion, a movement or an organisation. It will happen as a culmination of human consciousness.

Sadly I don’t see an end to the war in the middle east, nor the war in Ukraine in 2025. The outer world may look worse than ever, and YET the inner transformations that will be happening all over the world are going to have a powerful long term impact on the world eventually. We may not see it yet, but please know it is happening. Like the giant bamboo plant – the seed is planted and lies there for 80 years before it bursts up and grows 100 feet in air within the first year.

Transformation will involve pain; at times you may feel profoundly alone. You may feel lost and struggle to have faith that you are being taken to where you need to go. This is happening for many human beings, and for humanity as a whole. However you can, choose to be and feel peace, love and joy, do the things that give you peace, love and joy,  and trust that all the turmoil in the world right now is taking us to a new earth.

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