

Spiritual guidance, information and readings
Coronavirus is another Call to Consciousness

Coronavirus is another Call to Consciousness

While the world is currently in the grip of fear concerning the Corona virus, know that the pandemic is not creating the fear; the fear was already there within us; the pandemic and its possible effects on the world is bringing our fear up to the surface, and our...

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How to access your intuition

How to access your intuition

At some point in our lives we will be challenged to seek an answer that doesn't exist "out there" - we must go within and listen to our intuition. We cannot live life through a formula - what works for someone else may not work for us. “Do this, do that, and you will...

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Presence, Intention, Surrender

Presence, Intention, Surrender

Living life intentionally is a powerful way of living, and yet the very energy of goals and forward-thinking can take us out of the present moment. The most important thing in this lifetime is for us to learn is presence. The simple art of being right here, right now...

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Addictions, Emotions and Mindfulness

Addictions, Emotions and Mindfulness

We are all searching for wholeness, be it consciously or unconsciously ... If we are searching consciously, we will choose activities to enhance our growth and evolution such as spending time in nature, eating healthy food, exercising and seeking spiritual connection...

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Beauty, Weight and Mindfulness

Beauty, Weight and Mindfulness

Perhaps you've noticed that the media is obsessed with body image. Many of us obsess about our weight and staying young. Unless we are mindful, we can fall into the trap of the messages that are out there, attempting to convince us that somehow we are not enough....

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How to align to your soul

How to align to your soul

For your life to be fulfilling, you must align to your soul. Your soul is the divine essence of you, the  part of you that was never born, never dies and is eternal. It is more powerful than you can comprehend. The soul is made up of the spirit (which is intangible)...

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You are not a victim!

You are not a victim!

You are not a victim! One of our greatest problems is that we allow other people and circumstances to define who we are. “Our human relationships change fundamentally once we stop looking for fulfilment or our sense of self in others” - Eckhart Tolle This is the truth...

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Presence and the Ego

The ego is that part of you who looks at the world through a fearful lens and convinces you that what you see, think and feel is REALITY! But a negative reality is created by the fearful ego mind and will continue to be created until you gain awareness of it and no...

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Why do I sabotage myself and how do I stop?

Why do we sabotage ourselves? And how do we stop? The first step is to understand WHY we do it. On the subconscious level, we limit ourselves for any of the following reasons: we feel fundamentally flawed, unworthy or undeserving we fear being abandoned or humiliated...

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